
Filip Hric

Component testing in Cypress #2: Setting up component testing

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hey! Welcome to second issue of component testing in Cypress. Let‘s talk about how to set it all up and what’s going on with component testin in Cypress.

With Cypress v10 set up of component testing is very simple. Actually, Cypress authors have made a great job making it as simple as possible.

Once you open Cypress GUI using npx cypress open command, you will be welcomed by this screen:

Framework and bundler

Once you choose component testing, Cypress asks you to choose a framework and a bundler. It even tries to detect the ones used in your app automatically. If you are building web applications for living, you are probably familiar and well aware of different choices.

As a tester, I needed to get myself familiar with these terms, especially with "bundler". What the bundler does, is that it converts the code you write into something a browser can read. As mentioned in last newsletter issue, components can help us with splitting our application into small "lego blocks". These are often .vue files, or .jsx files or something similar. But these will not work in browser by themselves. Bundler makes them into a bunch of .html, .js and .css files that browser can read.

When running a component test, Cypress will use the bundler to convert your component file into something a browser can read. Using the same bundler as your application does.

Cypress component testing project

Based on the inputs, installation wizard will set up our project. Looking at the cypress.config.ts file you can see that the configuration is actually pretty simple:

export default defineConfig({
  component: {
    devServer: {
      framework: "vue",
      bundler: "vite",

By default, Cypress will take options set in vite.config.ts file in our project, so anything we have set up for our app, will instantly become available to Cypress tests as well.


Besides resolving our configuration, Cypress will create a couple of helper files, one of the most important being component.ts located in cypress/support folder.

import { mount } from 'cypress/vue'

  // Augment the Cypress namespace to include type definitions for
  // your custom command.
  // Alternatively, can be defined in cypress/support/component.d.ts
  // with a <reference path="./component" /> at the top of your spec.
  declare global {
    namespace Cypress {
      interface Chainable {
        mount: typeof mount
  Cypress.Commands.add('mount', mount)
  // Example use:
  // cy.mount(MyComponent)

This file will contain the mounting function depending on the framework you use. In this email course, we will be working with Vue, but Cypress has already support for React, Angular, Svelte and even frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt. More are coming with every release and most of them will come out of BETA any day now.

Your mount function is wrapped in a custom command. This enables you to customize it in many ways, and we will be talking about different ways of customizing the command in future issues.

How Cypress is built

Cypress’ architecture is sort of unique when compared to other testing tools. With Playwright or Selenium, the goal is to automate a browser in order to perform some actions. With Cypress, you are essentially building an app to test your app.

When you are developing an application, your files get bundled and opened inside a browser. Imagine your standard npm run dev mode.

With Cypress, pretty much the same principle is applied. Your test files get bundled and openened in a browser. With component testing, instead of opening the app for your end to end test, you’ll mount your component. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Anyway, now you are good to go with the setup. In the very next issue, you’ll learn how to mount and test your first component. See you then!

Filip Hric

Lead SDET at @slidoapp, psychology graduate, @Cypress_io ambassador. Instructor at @eggheadio, @TestAutomationU and @Learn2Code_sk. I blog at

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